Search results

  1. K

    What ingredients would you love to add to your burger ?

    Everyone of us loves to eat fast food. What ingredients would you love to add in your burger ? I like everything in my burger except the Tomatoes.
  2. K

    Vegetable that you hate ?

    I hate many vegetables. Not a vegetable lover. Hate lady finger the most.
  3. K

    Which vegetable is your favorite ?

    Which vegetable is your all time favorite? And you eat it in any form ? I love potatoes. Can eat them in any form.
  4. K

    Do you like watching movie PREVIEWS ?

    I hate watching them. They are so annoying. Whenever they come i am like please end them and start the movie.
  5. K

    Watching a movie and in a cinema

    Is there a difference in watching a movie at home and in a cinema? I have been to a cinema twice up till now. I feel like home theater is the best place to watch a movie.
  6. K

    Hobbit The movie.

    How many of you watched this movie ? Your reviews on it.
  7. K

    Which Harry Potter part did you hated the most ?

    I hated that Harry potter and the order of Phoenix one.
  8. K

    Scariest Horror movies that you have ever watched ?

    Enlist some of the scariest horror movies. My birthday is coming and this time i want something different. What about making them watch a horror movie ?
  9. K

    If you would change yourself than for whom ?

    If in life you are given a chance to change to change yourself then who would you change for ?
  10. K

    What is that something that you learned from a movie ? Any Lesson ?

    Is there any thing that you learned by watching a movie. In a positive way or a negative way ?
  11. K

    Good movies ?

    Suggest some good movies please. I am having winter vacations till 2nd February. Need to update my self.
  12. K

    Any movie that gave you a night mare ?

    Is there any movie that gave you a nightmare after watching it ?
  13. K

    Sons of Anarchy ended

    The TV show sons of anarchy ended recentlyy. How many of you liked the ending ?
  14. K

    Which TV shows are you watching these days ?

    Year is ending and so are the TV shows. Any upcoming TV shows that you are interested watching in ?
  15. K

    Favorite Movie Sequel

    Now a days there is a trend of sequels coming on. Which sequel is your favorite up till now ?
  16. K

    Movie that made you cry ?

    Have you ever cried while watching a movie ? If yes then which movie ? The movie "If i stay" was the very first movie that made me cry.
  17. K

    Who is your favorite movie Character ?

    Everyone of us do watch movies. Who is your favorite movie character and why ? What if anyone else was playing that character in that movie would you still love that character ? Or is it just the celebrity because of him/her you love that character ?
  18. K

    What are your plans for Christmas 2014 ?

    Christmas season is almost here. What are your plans for Christmas this year ? Any thing special ?
  19. K

    Which company Air conditioner do you use?

    Which company's air conditioner do you use? How many air conditioners are there in your house?
  20. K

    Slow downloading issues

    Is it only me who is having slow downloading ? Or any one here has the same problem. :/ This is so much annoying.