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    What is a Default Constructor in ASP ?

    • A default constructor is a constructor in both that has no parameters or where it has parameters they are all defaulted. • If no constructor is supplied then the compiler will supply a default constructor. • This default constructor is a parameter less constructor with no body, which calls...
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    What is ILDASM (Intermediate Language Disassembler)?

    It is a tool provided in C# to view and read the assembly content in manifest view. This tool is supplied along with the Visual Studio .NET you are using. It is also available along with .NET SDK. To access this tool, you have to run the ildasm.exe
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    How to create .htaccess file ?

    How to create .htaccess file ?
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    Perl style

    Part of what you should learn from this book is a sense of good Perl style. Style is, of course, a matter of preference and debate. We won’t pretend to know or demonstrate The One True Style, but we hope to show readers one example of contemporary, efficient, effective Perl style. Sometimes our...
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    Data Control Language (DCL)

    Data Control Language (or simply DCL) consists of commands that allow you to manage data access within the database. Furthermore, the database is protected from accidental or intentional misuse by controlling user privileges. DCL concentrates on transactions, which capture all SQL statements...
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    What are Macros?

    Macros are preprocessor, it’s unique feature of C language. Preprocessor improves the readability of the program and hence the developed code is more efficient. Preprocessor directives consist of three sub categories •Macro substitution division •Complier control division •File inclusion division
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    Best Forum Site List With Signature ?

    We Helpline - Knowledge and Information All About Tips
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    Explain about Visual basic.NET culture?

    VB based on RAD tool which is much user friendly for any kind of user. It provides with many shortcuts and much more attractive features that makes it to be popular among users.
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    Enter PHP

    PHP (acronym for: PHP Hypertext Preprocessor), is a server-side embedded scripting language. This means that it works within an HTML document to confer to it the capacity of generating content on demand. You can convert your site into a web application, not just a collection of static pages with...
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    What Is Server-Side Scripting Good for?

    What server-side scripting lacks in eyecandy sex appeal, it more than makes up for in sheer usefulness. Most Web users probably interact with the products of server-side scripting on a daily, if not an hourly, basis. One category of things that server-side scripting just absolutely can’t help...
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    What are various in Dataset?

    Dataset consist of DataTable object. The DataTable object contains DataRow object and DataColumn objects. They also contain collection of keys, default values and constraints. Finally, each table contain defaultview.
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    Define and explain scanf () function?

    Scanf() function get the input from the user. It contains two argument. First argument: - specify the datatype For example: - %f This tells that the value will be in floating point Second argument: - name in which the data to be stored For example: - &f1 the entered value is stored...
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    What is the difference between char *a and char a[]?

    Char a[] = “Name” The above statement allocates 5 memory location, for the above declared statement. Char *a = “Name” in front of a shows pointer declaration. The complier asks to place to hold the pointer. Memory address will given the name ‘a’ and it points to the array of seven character.
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    Object-Based Data Models

    Object-oriented programming has become the dominant software-development methodology. This led to the development of an object-oriented data model that can be seen as extending the E-R model with notions of encapsulation, methods (functions), and object identity. Inheritance, object identity...
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    Data Storage and Querying

    A database system is partitioned into modules that deal with each of the responsibilities of the overall system. The functional components of a database system can be broadly divided into the storage manager and the query processor components. The storage manager is important because databases...
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    What is Nested Records in Database ?

    Nested records are records contained in fields that are records themselves. Nesting records is a powerful way to normalize data structures and hide complexity within PL/SQL programs. For example: DECLARE −− Define a record. TYPE phone_rectype IS RECORD ( area_code VARCHAR2(3), exchange...
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    This is not the place for a tutorial on AJAX (and besides, I’m not the person to deliver such a tutorial) so we’re going to make things easy on ourselves by using the prototype JavaScript framework found at With this library you can be up and running quickly with AJAX.
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    max(), min()

    Both of these methods accept two numeric arguments. max() returns the greater of two numbers, whereas min() returns the lesser of the two. Here is a function that prints the lesser of two numbers followed by the greater: function printInOrder(num1, num2) { document.write(Math.min(num1, num2) +...
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    The Math.floor() method returns the greatest integer less than or equal to the value passed to it. This is equivalent to integral division when dealing with non-negative numbers. It is also equivalent to rounding down to the nearest integer. Here are a few expressions, each evaluating to true...
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    . Is Empty .java file a valid source file?

    . Is Empty .java file a valid source file?