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  1. L

    Facebook after introduction of Timeline

    When Timeline was introduced in Facebook (back then I just started to use FB), many said that timeline feature is some what bad and will ruin FB's value and reduce the number of users. So what is the current status of FB after all these years of it.!
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    SEO vs SMM

    My friend (Who is an SMM expert) says SMM will gradually overthrow SEO's domination of Online world - Is she correct? Will this be true.!?
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    Best Social Media learning sites (Blogs, forums and more)

    I am eager to learn more skills and knowledge in SMM industry as I am planning to move in to SMM niche. Please guide me towards some good online sources to learn more about Social Media marketing and trends... !
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    30 years from Now - Nations of the world

    I am an American, and firmly believe that US will stay on top for a long time. But people around are saying that it will be Asian countries that will dominate the next century (this one). Is it true? and if so which countries will it be?
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    Google Drive or Drop Box (Paid version)

    My father is planning to take his business data online. (cloud). I want to know which is better out of Drop Box and Google Drive? and Why?
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    Contents or Analytical Skill - Which is important

    For successful Social Media Marketing campaign, which is important good content or Analytical (I know both are important, but which is more important?)
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    Content Developer to Social Media Marketer

    I am a Content developer, I wish to become a SEO person or a SMM expert, which is better and easy for a content developer.
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    WHATS' APP or Viber which is better and why?

    I know both are considerably different. But both services are free (at least for now) and both offer chatting and calling (just now for Whats APP) so which is better?
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    Planning a website - Strategy tips

    I am just a content writer with 6 months of experience. My TL got impressed with me, and asks me to develop a plan for a new website. I just want to know what are the things I should keep in mind to plan how a website should be? (In general)
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    How much will they pay for Content writers in PA?

    I got placed as a trainee-Content Developer, and just now completed my Probation. What will be the pay for a content developer like me in Pittsburgh, PA?