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  1. H

    Where should I go for my hair transplant?

    It is generally asked that where one go for hair transplantation to be done on him or her. Hair transplantation is a vast term in itself and generally confused with hair implantation, hair restoration, and hair replacement that are similar to it to some extent. The Hair transplantation, we are...
  2. H

    Hair transplant price factors

    Hair transplant price depends on some important factors such as Type of the implant surgery whether it is FUT or FUE, FUE costs more than FUE Time taken for completing the job, FUE takes more time as compare to FUT Hair transplant surgeon's fee for per hour work Instrumental and medicinal...
  3. H

    Some hair care tips for you

    Hair care is very important for all of us. I would like to discuss some hair care tips for you here. There is a direct link in between hair and health so We must keep our health good and fit We must eat good foods and always avoid fatty and fried articles Eat fresh vegetables and fruits Also...
  4. H

    Hair loss causes

    Hair loss occurs everyday when we comb our hairs in the morning. Around 100 to 150 hairs are broken from our head and this is a normal condition. Excessive hair loss beyond this limit would be harmful for our locks. There are many causes of hair loss. Hypothyroidism Anemia Stress Pull on hairs...
  5. H

    What is hair transplant and how does it makes patients looking gorgeous?

    What is hair transplant and how does makes patients looking gorgeous? Hair transplant or implant is a new and modern technique of hair restoration. It makes hair loss and baldness sufferers looking beautiful and gorgeous because they get their hairstyles again which are destroyed by the...