Search results

  1. K

    bitcoin cloud host

    Greetings folks! I have found that offers cloud hosting powered by DigitalOcean starting from just $0.01/hour. Their service is billed hourly and they are fully bitcoin accepted with also dogecoin and litecoin. Servers are provisioned in less than a minute. What do you think about...
  2. K

    e-commerce hosting search

    I am going to build a e-commerce site and need to find a good ssd powered hosting account. What are your views on ssd cloud hosting solutions? What can you say about their stability and customer care? Are they the host I can rely on?
  3. K

    vps with high speed

    Looking for a vps with high uptime and speeds for my websites, databases and some apps to test. What can you say about and their hosting services? Have you ever dealt with them? How do you find their customer care?
  4. K

    EU Based VPS hosting

    I need EU based VPS hosting provider to host some of my new web sites. What are the best hosting providers you know? What can you tell me about and their reliability? Are they trustworthy?
  5. K

    high speed hosting

    I am going to host a big forum and several simple WP landing pages, so I need to find stable account with really high guaranteed stability. What are your views on hosting solutions? Uptime, features, bonuses? Is it the hosting provider I can rely on?
  6. K

    Servers from Maxihost

    Looking for dedicated hosting service in Brazil that offer affordable hosting packages. What can you tell me about and their dedicated server services? Is their support professional? Do they accept Bitcoin?
  7. K

    RapidDedi server deals

    Hello there! Please help me to define a host that is good at providing performance stable dedicated servers? I think of having a deal with, do you know them? Have you got a personal experience with them? Thanks in advance.
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    server with available team

    Hey, does anyone has any idea about dedicated server host providing good conditions? I am not very skilled in server management so I want to have a host that has a very good 24/7 support. Any info on dedicated hosting services? Please help to find server providers and choose the...
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    high performance servers

    Hello everyone! What server hosting companies can you suggest me to look at? I need reliable option with high performance and good support. Do you know anything about the quality of services? Are their servers stable? Any experiences?
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    Server in Germany

    I want to order dedicated server. These are my specifications: - Location is Germany, - Budget is $130/mo, - Disk space is 500 gbs - Bandwidth is 7 tbs - RAM is 12 gbs What hosts can you recommend me to look at? Any information on services? I need to choose reliable and trustworthy...
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    java hosting search

    I am in search of any possible customer hosting reviews about the quality of the services provided by java hosting provider. How stable and reliable are they? Any reviews? Are they offering any fresh discounts now?
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    webhostingzone services

    I need your help considering the choice of reliable host offering vps plans. Could anyone help me, I've found and their vps plans look suitable for me. Please share your opinion about them. Thanks.
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    tomcat app server hosting

    You my have noticed my search of hosting provider with good hosting for tomcat app server. I only need recommendations based on personal experience. My budget is not so high so if you can recommend cheapest packages with best performance. I already done some search and found offers...
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    South African Hosting

    Good day everyone! I want to choose a stable host with fast servers in South Africa. What can you say about hosting solutions? Are their South African servers reliable? Do they offer any discounts?
  15. K

    nice server deals

    Hey Guys, does anyone has any idea about dedicated server host providing nice deals? I don't know much about IT, so I want to have a host that has a skilled support. Any info on dedicated hosting services? What are your thoughts also on Please help to compare...
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    cheap and quality server host

    Good day folks! I have a tight budget and want to buy a cheap and reliable server. I found, but I don't really know much about their services. What do you think of them? Any discounts they offer?
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    powerful quality server

    I am in search of reliable host with quality services and powerful server solutions. So, what places can you recommend me to look at? I've already found, but know nothing about them, however they perfectly meet my demands and have attractive 20% discount with coupon KAREEM. Where...
  18. K

    server hosting comparison

    Hello there! What dedicated server provider is better to use or Compare these hosts please and tell me which one would you choose. Thanks in advance.
  19. K

    cheap dedicated server

    I am looking to buy dedicated server at cheap price. I need this for big e-commerce project. Budget is around $80-100. I've found several web hosts and is among them. What do you know about their server solutions?
  20. K

    Teamspeak hosting

    I would like find the most reliable place where I will be able to order Teamspeak hosting service. Google search put forward a link to - they seem to be good for this, but I don't really know if it is honest and trustworthy one. What can be said about pricing and features...