Search results

  1. M

    While doing a 301 would impact a negative result to the site?

    Hi I thought I never got answer for such Query in the past. I think So!!! If I am Doing a 301 redirect from www to non-www format of a site. then, for a site which does not yet started its backlinks count say New Domain Probably it does not show any changes in Google as it is not yet...
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    Linking to a page by # , a duplicate content to the site?

    Hi If I'am having a Contextual link in a page,Say page), like <a href="#text">text</a> which opens the current page content and the address would be Does the webpages and would posses a duplicate content issue? Please, Need answer...
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    Website Not Ranked in Google

    Hi there! I have a website which has not been ranked in Google for almost 4 months. 1. What would be the reason for not ranked in Google Results? 2. While checking the Indexed status using site: I have seen a unusual title in the result for home page, Where "Lingopath:" is...
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    Need a 301 redirect advice for https site

    Hi All One of my site is and it is a secured site. I do wanna redirect all of its domain format to "https" It works fine for every format for non-www format of the site, but does not work for www format. .htaccess goes like this: rewriteengine on Options...
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    Google Local Listing not shown in Map Results

    Hi Few of my websites registered in Google Local Listing. To find it in the Map results, it does not show up for a query But shows the listing while searching Domain alone in map search. E.g search [Most other sites works well in Map results for...
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    Dynamic site On page edit Help!

    Hi I am a newbie to webdesign. I can edit/learnt to edit title tags of website designed using dynamic structure, which has direct syntax to edit title tag at header function, also every page has its individual pages. I could not find the way to edit title tags of websites which does not have...
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    Rank keywords in Google maps?

    Hi to all! A site is ranked for Map results in Google for 1 keyword out of 10. How to get ranked in map results for all the keywords(Local Keywords)? Need advice from webmasters! Thanks in advance
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    Remedy for Domain Clustering effects!

    Hi One of my site get caught in the recent domain clustering update. My site usually get ranked for inner pages i.e., either pdf, doc, or products' inner pages (from 10-200 serp positions) and the website page i.e., home page, relevant page will rank after these kind of results(around 250+) so...
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    5 Domains having Same Content for the same business purpose will affect the other?

    Hi I do have a site for SEO Purpose. The site has reputation/domain authority. But the sites' content is also used with other domain named sites by the site owner(In which non of the sites does not have any backlinks, except the one i'm working) And these domains linked to my site at some...
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    Backlinks added includes tags/category or other kind of urls to the site!!

    Hi Many a time i used to see that in backlinks tool, in a blog site & directory the links pointing to my site includes the major link(exact page link) along with the tags link, category link, archives link, etc. In terms of blog commenting links, comments posted after my comment also adds with...
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    Add two business websites in google places?

    Hi How to add two different business websites in google places which has same contact no and address. The website is different to each other.. How to include both the websites in google's local listing?
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    What does Page authority and domain authority do?

    Hi lets find from basic meaning to these terms and then go in detail.. That the question is every page has these ratings.... And, to an extent every non www versions too have it. Now, to redirect a page does these PA and DA will be forwarded to the redirected page?
  13. M

    Need to optimize URL!!

    Hi I need to optimize URL for couple of dynamic site. I'm a newbie to dynamic related sites and to URL optimization too. Can anyone provide the steps to do the URL optimization for dynamic site? Thanks in Advance....
  14. M

    Which form of url should be used?

    Hi A website may or may not have a 301 redirect. In such case, which url should be used for building links? Either with www or without www for a non 301 redirect site. and Either with www or without www for a 301 redirect to site. and Either with www or without www for a...
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    Off page works ranking in serp!

    Hi I came across a thought while Checking keyword ranking. That is. For some keywords in SERP it has some positions in it with not the exact description provided in meta tag but from the web site content highlighting the keyword in the SERP result. And, in some other case, I have noticed...
  16. M

    Edit title tag?

    Hi To change the title tags of a product site(PHP), where do I have to change it? I have updated title tags for HTML static page websites.. Its a new topic for me and I need Help to solve it from experts. Thanks in advance!!
  17. M

    Joomla site 301 & 404 error code

    Hi to everyone... I am finding difficulty in updating a Joomla site for 301 redirect and 404 error page creation. The site posses htaccess.txt file Codes available online were not worked fine. Can anyone guide me to update the site I'm working? Need help from experts..... Thanks in...
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    Code for 301 redirect and 404 error page..

    Hi, For a joomla site I'm maintaining should be possessed with 301 redirect and 404 error page. I'm facing difficulty in updating the site for the same no codes found in web doesn't work fine. Does anyone here can help me to find these codes for my site? I will have to update it into...
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    Is the site hacks GOOGLE.COM?

    Hi, I found a website while checking backlink for a site. And, the site is, while checking domain tool this site is mentioned "for sale". Yesterday, it opens the website Today, this site redirects to You may check the cached status of the...
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    Fixed Link Building strategy!

    Hi ! Is there any fixed link building method to get better ranking for long time? In detail, anyone has worked (building links) for few time a month and get a value of stable ranking in Google search results. Please share your suggestions on what type of submission or link building method...