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  1. E

    Ten Points For The Improvement Of Performance Of Windows Server

    1. Using a dedicated disk for the page file The trick may be to maximize your server performance. By default, Windows creates a page file, taking it as virtual memory. Because Windows will frequently use this file. This file is the best storage location on a dedicated disk (note: not a separate...
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    looking for stable cheap vps in USA.

    Hello there, cheap stable vps in USA.Please follow here am Thomas Edison from vpb.
  3. E

    ABC before you pay for hosting plan

    You never get a server suitable for your website ingnoring the status of your website.Then,what is your status? You should care of points blew:1what type of website are you building?2Do you need window app?3Do you require a special software like php or asp?4what software in your website?5How...
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    Consideration for moving to new server hosting

    At beginning of figuring out which program on which system,considering Something like database,php,asp,etc.,on your former server before moving to anther,my suggestion is that you should install the same environment with the former after choosing new one in order to avoid complicated operating...
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    looking for hosting in USA. can provide dedicated server or vps or clould server hosting for you.If you learn more about it,follow here I am Edison from vpb.
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    web server hosting all over world

    vpb hosting company is based in California,USA.In the 2012,we built branch in HongKong.we can provide web hosting all over world. 1.North America servers . 2.South America servers. 3.Europe servers...
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    who konw hosting company how about it

    please leave your comment.I want it to but hosting,but I dont know choose what .
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    What is VPS Hosting tell you what is vps hosting which is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance, so they can install almost any software that runs on...
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    Who want cheaper stable VPS?

    Hello guys I am from can provide VPS from China Hong Kong or L.A,California.Like the following: Only just 14.99$ CPU:vCPU RAM:2GB HardDisk:120G Bandwidth:5TB/1G network card IPs:1 Country:GENERAL PURPOSE(USA) Sold:310 Time Out:2017-02-28 00:00:00 Promotional...