What Is Next To iPhone 5


New member
Any body have any idea what will be coming after iPhone 5? Will it be the iPhone 5S or will it be a change altogether iPhone 6. The iPhone craze is almost over but still lots of people like me iPhone models just out of curiosity . So what is your take on that?
They will probably continue the trend and make an improved iPhone 5S with no improvements other than the screen size. When it comes to the iPhone 6, they will probably rework everything again like they did with the current one and make it better.
The next iPhone from Apple will be the 5C. It's a cheaper version of the basic iPhone, and will be made with less premium materials and may even ship without the Siri Voice aplication. However, it will still be in the neighborhood of around $350, so it's questionable to even purchase one when the basic model isn't that far off in costs. Look for the iPhone 5C to be in stores around September.
I think it will be the 5S with the same screen size but better camera and stuff. When the 6 comes out I think it will have a bigger screen. If they don't do a bigger screen they will lose market share as android screens are great to use.
I for one am considering buying it since it's really affordable as it is a bit cheaper than other iPhones.
That's actually a pretty smart way to look at the situation. i wouldn't expect Apple to suddenly jump into the five inch crowd with the very next phone, but rather do what they did with the 5 and keep it the same size (screen wise) but beef up the processsors, camera and features. Now the 6, I would expect to be radically different from the rest of the phones.
Eh who knows, it could be a smart move for them. Just look at the iPad mini (which itself could be viewed as a cheaper version of an iPad). The device has sold fairly well for Apple so far, and I don't think cheaper products would have THAT much of an impact value on some of their more premium hardware.
Maybe an iPhone 5S or even a 6, but whatever will come out, it needs to put a good fight against all these Andriod devices...