How To Reinstate A Limited Paypal Account


New member
Please tell me if you think a Limited paypal account can be reinstated without calling paypal. I am out of country and when i used my account it got limited from that moment. I will be away for 3 more weeks so will not be able to call paypal within these 3 weeks but thinking if you guys can help me out and tell if there is any method i can reinstate this paypal account without calling their customer service.
PayPal is going to need certain documents or information to unlimited that account. I don't see how that can be accomplished without contacting PayPal directly. You maybe able to contact PayPal via email.
I too had my PayPal become limited once... it was about 4 years ago. PayPal asked me in an email to provide them with my bank details, and one or two other things. I sent the copies of the same to them. My PayPal account got working fully in a few days after that.

So if you have received a similar email from PayPal, send them those things that they have asked, and your account too should begin working.
PayPal permanently limited my account and they wouldn't offer to reinstate it. I wanted to know if anyone has gotten their account reinstated successfully or just gave up and opened a new account?

I was thinking of opening a new account, but am afraid of it getting limited again. Came across the idea of stealth on the Auction Essistance website, but seems very confusing.

Does anyone have some experience in it?