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    Guest Blogging Networks

    Guest blogging is still effective in 2013 as a source of quality backlink and I belief it will remain effective for a long time to come. Below are guest blogging forums where you can find bloggers that accept guest posts. If you want content for your site, you can also join these forums. 1...
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    Your CPA Experience

    Has anyone here made money with CPA offers? If you had, which CPA network are you using? I am looking forward to try CPA marketing.
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    How Much Have You Made Taking Surveys?

    One of the first methods of making money online I learnt was online surveys. But unfortunately, I made nothing with it. So I’m wondering if some folks have made some money with paid surveys. How much have you made?
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    Matt Cutt is not A Huge Fan of Article Marketing

    In one of his numerous videos, Matt Cutt said that he’s not a huge fan of article marketing. From this statement, do you think the value of article directories is now very low? Are these directories doing anything to recover from their fall?
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    What Makes A High Quality Directory

    We know that directories are not that important today as they were in the old days. But quality ones can still give you some boost in ranking. But what makes a high quality directory? Matt Cutt gave the following answers: • How much value does the directory add to users? • Does the directory go...
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    SEO Don’ts: Add Yours

    What are the SEO don't you think webmasters should avoid? My 2 cents are these: 1. Deceptive Title Whatever the title promises, the content should delivers. You’ll lose trust and credibility if you fail to do this. 2. Keyword Stuffing Avoid keyword stuffing during onpage and offpage...
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    Have you Ever Bought Traffic from Adfly?

    I’ve always known Adfly to be a source of cheap traffic that’s likely to be junk. I’ve never bought traffic from the site but I’ll like to someday. If you’ve ever bought traffic from Adfly, please tell me your experience.
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    What is the Best Adsense Alternatives?

    Hello everyone. I am having a problem with my Adsense account and I'm considering an alternative. What is the best Adsense alternative out there? I'll like a company that has a lot of advertisers and pay well.
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    Common Mistakes Webmasters Make - Matt Cutt

    Matt Cutt is a Google employee heading the webspam team. In a video, he highlighted the most common mistakes webmasters make. I listed them below. 1. Not making your website crawlable or not having a website at all. 2. Not using the right keywords on your page. The example he gave was this...
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    Surviving Google’s Updates

    Google have launched a lot of updates in the past. Below are the few major ones. Panda Update: Launched in Feb 2011 and aimed at downgrading low quality sites that provided poor user experience. According to Matt Cutt, this update can affect the entire site or a section rather than just...
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    Getting Backlinks: What to have in Mind

    Link building is something you should do the right way because it is a time consuming activity. I usually have the following in mind while building backlinks. Anchor Text: I use a mixture of different keywords in my anchor text to avoid the over-optimization penalty. I use variations of my...
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    Anybody still submitting to article Directories?

    I am wondering if article directories have recovered from Google panda. Do you still get traffic from article directories and does it still influence your Google ranking?
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    Analytic Data May not be Always Accurate

    When people on mobile Safari in iOS 6 visit your site through Google, they will appear to you as if they’d come directly to their sites. The may lead to a drop in search traffic and an increase in direct traffic. The reason why it is so is that mobile Safari doesn’t support Meta Referrer, a...
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    Experiment: Does negative SEO Works?

    Do you know that negative SEO works? A competitor can build spammy links to your site and succeed in lowering your ranking. Here is an experiment that confirms this. It involves a site ranking #3 for a particular keyword. A lot of spam backlinks where directed to the page - 45,000 blog comments...