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  1. D

    How To Adsense Codes On Post?

    How To Put Adsense Codes On Post? I want to add my adsense codes on all my blogger post without adding it on the post at all. Just by editing the HTML file is what I need so I wont be editing every post that I have? If anyone knows how to do it please help me? Thanks!
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    Any other Pinterest like sites out there?

    I am currently looking for other Pinterest like sites to promote my content since my site is actually mostly images. I am using Pinterest but I just cant get to further optimize my visibility there. I had more success to 2 other Pinterest like sites namely WeHeartIt and Pinspire. Now I am...
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    Which Hosting Company is Over Hyped?

    I would say that its HostGator. Since they have been the most searched and most recommended hosting out there. I have no first hand experience with them and there are a lot of positive and negative reviews about them but then testing them for yourself is the only thing to know whether those...
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    What is mainly Illustrator for?

    I am not a graphics editor and I cant quite seem to figure out this application and yet I see a lot of tutorials needing Illustrator before using Photoshop for some graphic work. I have used photoshop and gimp for some time now just for basic editing, and yeah I have CS6 and Im not using its...
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    Joomla as a Classified Site?

    I am currently thinking of creating a classified site for my area and I was thinking if there are any good plugins or ways to create a classified site with Joomla. Since I also want to integrate a blog and a forum with it in the near future. Anyways, if this is not a good idea would it be...
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    Any Good Free Web Editor/Designing Tools Like Dreamweaver?

    I am quite on a tight budget right now and I really need Dreamweaver since I am not really a good web designer. Since im short on dough, are there any other similar software to Dreamweaver that is free? Basically something that looks more of Dreamweavers interface and functions so I wouldnt get...
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    GSA Search Engine Ranker

    Okay I just got my hands on this software a couple of days ago and it seems pretty handy. It does all the work for you. It even registers on a specific site on its own and verifies it for you even without going to your email. All you have to do is input all the exact details you want and...
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    Question with Better WP Security?

    Any one used this plugin? I am interested to use it but I do not have time to test it right now. I am currently planning to use this plugin to replace DB Manager and Limit Login Attempts. I just have one question with these plugin. I found out that this plugin can do automatic database...
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    What are the best tools for Web Designing?

    I have heard a lot say that Dreamweaver is the best but its quite expensive. I am new to web designing and I just use notepad but cant seem to make my design really look good. I think I need some tools to supervised me until I get the hang of it and just code it on my own again in notepad. Any...